The Barbershop Foundation of New Zealand


We believe singing improves lives. The Foundation’s mission is to support and share the gift of singing as an extraordinary means of making lives more enjoyable, satisfying and meaningful.

As an independent Foundation, our Aim is to grow the quality of Barbershop singing across the country and to extend its reach.

The Foundation will foster, promote, facilitate, encourage and provide training and instruction in and commitment to the craft of Barbershop singing throughout New Zealand by giving financial and other assistance to any individual person, group or other body to achieve these ends.

The Foundation is governed by a Trust Deed and administered by a volunteer Board of Trustees with specialist skills, each of whom is a Member of Barbershop Harmony New Zealand.

We are looking for your support!


You have had great fun and challenge from Barbershop singing. Hopefully, there’s a lot more to come! It’s not just the singing – it’s also the great camaraderie and the sense of collective musicianship, not to mention the stronger sense of self-esteem.   Together, let’s extend the reach of our wonderful hobby!  


A gift to The Barbershop Foundation of New Zealand will benefit both existing and future Barbershop singers, especially youth. More people will then enjoy the great sound of those ringing chords!

You’ll be contributing to helping Barbershop reach into more homes in more areas. And we’ll be building the quality of performance right across the nation.


Every dollar donated will be put to work hard to achieve these ends.   Secure funding will ensure that continued professional support and training can be made available to existing singers – and new. We can then extend our reach into schools and new communities.


Registered Charity CC27800
33.33% of donations (up to the donor’s taxable annual income) can be claimed back as a tax refund. Any donation over $5 is tax deductible. You can upload your receipt using your MyIR login as soon as you receive it and your refund will automatically follow once you have filed your tax return for the year.

Please ACT NOW!

Thank you so much for considering benefitting The Barbershop Foundation of New Zealand.

John Denton  
Harold Henderson  
Douglas Langford, CNZM, FACA  
Trustees of The Barbershop Foundation of New Zealand



The Barbershop Foundation of New Zealand Bequesters’ Charter:

  • We will always respect your privacy. We recognise and appreciate that your Will is completely personal to you
  • We realise that, rightly, your family and loved ones will always come first
  • You can tell us that you’ve left a gift if you want to and we’d love to hear – but you don’t need to and we won’t keep asking
  • If you choose to tell us, you can decide how you would like to be involved with us and what you would like to know about our work
  • We will use your gift carefully and cost effectively so that it has the greatest impact
  • We will handle whatever gift you leave us efficiently and also with sensitivity and respect
  • We will honour your wishes and use your gift as directed by you.

Suggested wording: “I give to The Barbershop Foundation of New Zealand the sum of $___ (or a percentage, or the residue of my Estate, or a description of the property or asset given) for its general purposes and declare that the receipt of their Trustees or other proper officer shall be sufficient discharge for my Trustee”.


3 Easy Ways To Help

1. Make a Donation now

Help build the Capital Fund, thereby extending our capabilities to employ the Fund's earnings in development programmes.

2. Become a Sustaining Donor

Arranging a donation by way of automated bank payment on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly or annually).

3. Make a Bequest or Legacy

Create a bequest to the Foundation that honours yourself or a loved one. You can help build the Foundation's future without impacting on your life now.

A bequest pledge is a much-needed gift towards our future work - a way to give beyond your lifetime.

For more information or to make arrangements to make a donation contact one of the Trustees.



Which type of legacy is best for The Barbershop Foundation of New Zealand?

The very best way in which you can help us through your Will is to leave a Residuary Legacy, that is, to leave whatever is left, or a percentage or fraction of whatever is left, after your dependents have been provided for and your debts and cash legacies have been paid.

This type of legacy is inflation proof maintaining its value over time. This means that you will never have to alter your Will to account for inflation, as you may with a Pecuniary (specific sum of money) Legacy.

Can I alter an existing Will to include a legacy to The Barbershop Foundation of New Zealand?

If you would like to amend an existing Will to include us, you can do so by adding a codicil or amendment. This acts like a sort of postscript to your existing Will, and can be drawn up easily by your solicitor.

Can I specify where my gift goes?

In order to allow us to use your gift as most needed, it is best to leave a legacy for 'general purposes'. However, if you do wish to restrict some or all of your gift to a particular area of our work or a particular geographical area, your solicitor will be able to suggest wording to ensure we will still receive your gift, even if there are changes to the way we provide services.

Can I change my mind later?

Yes, even if you have made a Will you can make changes or additions to it at any time. Your solicitor will be able to advise.

What information does my solicitor need?

It is important to seek out qualified advice from a solicitor when drawing up your Will. If you do not have a solicitor you can look in the Yellow Pages or you could contact the District Law Society for a contact.

Your solicitor only needs to know how you would like your estate to be distributed.

Your solicitor will help you to finalise your Will in accordance with your wishes and advise you about choosing executors and how to keep your Will safe.

Where do I go for more information?

You can request more information by contacting one of Trustees of The Barbershop Foundation of New Zealand.

Copyright © 2024 Barbershop Harmony New Zealand